Monday, February 24, 2014

Week of March 3-8

For Thursday, March 7
- Two paragraphs - in journal, One paragraph on a question that was not included the discussion (you were emailed the list of questions generated by the class), and one paragraph on Final Reflection of your participation in the debate - This Boy's Life Discussion
For Discussion Point paragraph:
- clearly state your position on the question
- Strive for 3-4 clear points defending your argument
-Specific proof, examples, quotation to support your point - make sure they are relevant and add to your  points
- Make sure it is very clear where you stand on the issue and reiterate this point in conclusion

For Reflection paragraph:
- You should strive to point out some specific aspect(s) that went well for you and something that you would have changed.
- Make sure to add clear detail and reasoning for how these aspects of the discussion  - describe how you responded during the discussion, what you wished had happened and why
- Complete sentences

For Saturday, March 8
- Final scenes for Macbeth

For Thursday, March 7

- Two paragraphs - typed, One paragraph on a point that did not get made during the debate, and one paragraph on Final Reflection of your participation in the debate - This Boy's Life Discussion
For Debate Point paragraph:
- clearly state your position on a topic.
- Strive for 3-4 clear points defending your argument
-Specific proof, examples, quotation to support your point - make sure they are relevant and add to your  points
- Make sure it is very clear where you stand on the issue and reiterate this point in conclusion

For Reflection paragraph:
- You should strive to point out some specific aspect(s) that went well for you and something that you would have changed.
- Make sure to add clear detail and reasoning for how these aspects of the discussion  - describe how you responded during the discussion, what you wished had happened and why
- Complete sentences

For Saturday, March 8
- Final scenes for Macbeth

For Thursday, March 6
-Work on Macbeth group scenes and final paragraphs about This Boy's Life discussion

- Two paragraphs - typed, One paragraph on a question that was not included the discussion, and one paragraph on Final Reflection of your participation in the debate - This Boy's Life Discussion
For Discussion Point paragraph:
- clearly state your position on the question
- Strive for 3-4 clear points defending your argument
-Specific proof, examples, quotation to support your point - make sure they are relevant and add to your  points
- Make sure it is very clear where you stand on the issue and reiterate this point in conclusion

For Reflection paragraph:
- You should strive to point out some specific aspect(s) that went well for you and something that you would have changed.
- Make sure to add clear detail and reasoning for how these aspects of the discussion  - describe how you responded during the discussion, what you wished had happened and why
- Complete sentences

For Friday, March 7
- Final Scenes for Macbeth

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