Friday, February 21, 2014

For Monday, February 24:

For Monday, February 24:

1. In your journal, pick two of the goals and make observations and provide reasoning and assessment details for how and/or why each went well in terms of your or the class' preparation and participation in the discussion. Select one item that you would like to work on more or did not go as well and speculate as to why this was challenging for you or for the group.

Here are the Goals for Successful Discussion:  
- Everyone contributes, everyone has a turn
-No repetition
-Letting other people speak/listening
-Being assertive
-Using quotes and support from the text
- Clarification of points, asking others for clarification
- Engaged, making yourself interested and involved
- Facilitator's role
- Surface level vs. Deeper Meaning of the responses to the questions
- Staying on topic
- Enough time - know when to move on
- Quality vs. Quantity of participation
- OR pick a goal that you think is important for discussion

2.  Read Act III, Scene 2 in Macbeth - take notes on your Scene Summary sheet, be prepared to share notes

3.  Read ahead in This Bpy's Life - to end of the book is due on Thursday, February 25.  

For Monday, February 24:

1. In your journal, pick two of the goals and make observations and provide reasoning and assessment details for how and/or why each went well in terms of your or the class' preparation and participation in the discussion. Select one item that you would like to work on more or did not go as well and speculate as to why this was challenging for you or for the group.

Here are the Goals for Successful Discussion:  
- Everyone contributes, everyone has a turn
-No repetition
-Letting other people speak/listening
-Being assertive
-Using quotes and support from the text
- Clarification of points, asking others for clarification
- Engaged, making yourself interested and involved
- Facilitator's role
- Surface level vs. Deeper Meaning of the responses to the questions
- Staying on topic
- Enough time - know when to move on
- Quality vs. Quantity of participation
- OR pick a goal that you think is important for discussion

2.  Read Act III, Scene 2 in Macbeth - take notes on your Scene Summary sheet, be prepared to share notes

3.  Read ahead in This Bpy's Life - to end of the book is due on Thursday, February 27.  

For Monday, February 24:
1. Here are the questions for Act III, Scenes 5 and 6 in Macbeth. As you are reading, make sure that you can answer the questions below (No need to write out answers formally).

Scenes 5 & 6
24. What does Hecate plan to do?
25. What is implied in Lennox's speech at the beginning of scene 6?
26. Where has Macduff gone?
27. What does he hope to do there?
28. What dramatic purpose does this scene serve?
29. This act marks the turning point for Macbeth's fortunes. How?

2. In your journal, pick two of the goals and make observations and provide reasoning and assessment details for how and/or why each went well in terms of your or the class' preparation and participation in the discussion. Select one item that you would like to work on more or did not go as well and speculate as to why this was challenging for you or for the group.

Here are the Goals for Successful Discussion:  
- Everyone contributes, everyone has a turn
-No repetition
-Letting other people speak/listening
-Being assertive
-Using quotes and support from the text
- Clarification of points, asking others for clarification
- Engaged, making yourself interested and involved
- Facilitator's role
- Surface level vs. Deeper Meaning of the responses to the questions
- Staying on topic
- Enough time - know when to move on
- Quality vs. Quantity of participation

3. Read ahead in This Boy's Life - to the end of the book is due on Thursday, February 27th.  

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