Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week of 2/18-2/22

For Saturday, February 22:
- Prepare notes for This Boy's Life discussion including thoughts about interview and the extended reading - to page 230
- Read rest of Act III, Scene 1 between Macbeth and the Murderers - what are a few reasons that Macbeth provides to these men to rationalize the murder that they discuss?

For Monday, February 24:
- Self-assessment of This Boy's Life, Discussion #2
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene ii and iii answer questions from handout on separate paper - in notebook is fine

For Tuesday, February 25: 
- Read to the end of This Boy's Life

For Saturday, February 22:
- Prepare notes for This Boy's Life discussion including thoughts about interview and the extended reading - to page 230
- Notes on Scene Summary handout for Macbeth Act III, Scene ii

For Monday, February 24:
-Self-assessement of participation in This Boy's Life, Discussion #2
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iii - answer questions (Scenes i and ii)  from handout on separate paper - in notebook is fine

For Tuesday, February 25: 
- Read to the end of This Boy's Life

For Friday, February 21:

-Bring ideas about Tobias Wolff interview to class for discussion
- bring computers to class
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iv until line 2 or so when it says Exit Ghost of Banquo

For Monday, February 24:
-Post-seminar writing assignment

For Wednesday, February 25:
Read to the end of This Boy's Life

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