Saturday, February 8, 2014

For Monday, February 10

***  For ALL - Review Act I questions and Study Guide and follow along with Act II questions as we prepare for our Act I/Act II Macbeth test next Thursday.  ***

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Keep reading through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
-Read Act II, Scene ii for Monday
- Read through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Fill in Character Committee chart (at least 4-5 examples) for your assigned character - from our Act I and Act II reading
- Read through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

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