Monday, February 3, 2014

For Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4 and 5

GREEN:  Read in Macbeth the rest of Act I, scene 5 - pay particular attention to Lady Macbeth's lines and what she is saying, continue reading and making notes for the This Boy's Life discussion, which will take place on Thursday (BRING THIS BOY"S LIFE BOOK AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON WEDNESDAY)

RED:  Work on This Boy's Life reading due on Thursday (to page 136) and begin making notes on discussion questions (BRING THIS BOY"S LIFE BOOK AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON TUESDAY)

BLUE:  Read in Macbeth the rest of Act I, scene 5 - pay particular attention to Lady Macbeth's lines and what she is saying, continue reading and making notes for the This Boy's Life discussion, which will take place on Thursday (BRING THIS BOY"S LIFE BOOK AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON TUESDAY)

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