Monday, February 24, 2014

Week of March 3-8

For Thursday, March 7
- Two paragraphs - in journal, One paragraph on a question that was not included the discussion (you were emailed the list of questions generated by the class), and one paragraph on Final Reflection of your participation in the debate - This Boy's Life Discussion
For Discussion Point paragraph:
- clearly state your position on the question
- Strive for 3-4 clear points defending your argument
-Specific proof, examples, quotation to support your point - make sure they are relevant and add to your  points
- Make sure it is very clear where you stand on the issue and reiterate this point in conclusion

For Reflection paragraph:
- You should strive to point out some specific aspect(s) that went well for you and something that you would have changed.
- Make sure to add clear detail and reasoning for how these aspects of the discussion  - describe how you responded during the discussion, what you wished had happened and why
- Complete sentences

For Saturday, March 8
- Final scenes for Macbeth

For Thursday, March 7

- Two paragraphs - typed, One paragraph on a point that did not get made during the debate, and one paragraph on Final Reflection of your participation in the debate - This Boy's Life Discussion
For Debate Point paragraph:
- clearly state your position on a topic.
- Strive for 3-4 clear points defending your argument
-Specific proof, examples, quotation to support your point - make sure they are relevant and add to your  points
- Make sure it is very clear where you stand on the issue and reiterate this point in conclusion

For Reflection paragraph:
- You should strive to point out some specific aspect(s) that went well for you and something that you would have changed.
- Make sure to add clear detail and reasoning for how these aspects of the discussion  - describe how you responded during the discussion, what you wished had happened and why
- Complete sentences

For Saturday, March 8
- Final scenes for Macbeth

For Thursday, March 6
-Work on Macbeth group scenes and final paragraphs about This Boy's Life discussion

- Two paragraphs - typed, One paragraph on a question that was not included the discussion, and one paragraph on Final Reflection of your participation in the debate - This Boy's Life Discussion
For Discussion Point paragraph:
- clearly state your position on the question
- Strive for 3-4 clear points defending your argument
-Specific proof, examples, quotation to support your point - make sure they are relevant and add to your  points
- Make sure it is very clear where you stand on the issue and reiterate this point in conclusion

For Reflection paragraph:
- You should strive to point out some specific aspect(s) that went well for you and something that you would have changed.
- Make sure to add clear detail and reasoning for how these aspects of the discussion  - describe how you responded during the discussion, what you wished had happened and why
- Complete sentences

For Friday, March 7
- Final Scenes for Macbeth

Friday, February 21, 2014

For Monday, February 24:

For Monday, February 24:

1. In your journal, pick two of the goals and make observations and provide reasoning and assessment details for how and/or why each went well in terms of your or the class' preparation and participation in the discussion. Select one item that you would like to work on more or did not go as well and speculate as to why this was challenging for you or for the group.

Here are the Goals for Successful Discussion:  
- Everyone contributes, everyone has a turn
-No repetition
-Letting other people speak/listening
-Being assertive
-Using quotes and support from the text
- Clarification of points, asking others for clarification
- Engaged, making yourself interested and involved
- Facilitator's role
- Surface level vs. Deeper Meaning of the responses to the questions
- Staying on topic
- Enough time - know when to move on
- Quality vs. Quantity of participation
- OR pick a goal that you think is important for discussion

2.  Read Act III, Scene 2 in Macbeth - take notes on your Scene Summary sheet, be prepared to share notes

3.  Read ahead in This Bpy's Life - to end of the book is due on Thursday, February 25.  

For Monday, February 24:

1. In your journal, pick two of the goals and make observations and provide reasoning and assessment details for how and/or why each went well in terms of your or the class' preparation and participation in the discussion. Select one item that you would like to work on more or did not go as well and speculate as to why this was challenging for you or for the group.

Here are the Goals for Successful Discussion:  
- Everyone contributes, everyone has a turn
-No repetition
-Letting other people speak/listening
-Being assertive
-Using quotes and support from the text
- Clarification of points, asking others for clarification
- Engaged, making yourself interested and involved
- Facilitator's role
- Surface level vs. Deeper Meaning of the responses to the questions
- Staying on topic
- Enough time - know when to move on
- Quality vs. Quantity of participation
- OR pick a goal that you think is important for discussion

2.  Read Act III, Scene 2 in Macbeth - take notes on your Scene Summary sheet, be prepared to share notes

3.  Read ahead in This Bpy's Life - to end of the book is due on Thursday, February 27.  

For Monday, February 24:
1. Here are the questions for Act III, Scenes 5 and 6 in Macbeth. As you are reading, make sure that you can answer the questions below (No need to write out answers formally).

Scenes 5 & 6
24. What does Hecate plan to do?
25. What is implied in Lennox's speech at the beginning of scene 6?
26. Where has Macduff gone?
27. What does he hope to do there?
28. What dramatic purpose does this scene serve?
29. This act marks the turning point for Macbeth's fortunes. How?

2. In your journal, pick two of the goals and make observations and provide reasoning and assessment details for how and/or why each went well in terms of your or the class' preparation and participation in the discussion. Select one item that you would like to work on more or did not go as well and speculate as to why this was challenging for you or for the group.

Here are the Goals for Successful Discussion:  
- Everyone contributes, everyone has a turn
-No repetition
-Letting other people speak/listening
-Being assertive
-Using quotes and support from the text
- Clarification of points, asking others for clarification
- Engaged, making yourself interested and involved
- Facilitator's role
- Surface level vs. Deeper Meaning of the responses to the questions
- Staying on topic
- Enough time - know when to move on
- Quality vs. Quantity of participation

3. Read ahead in This Boy's Life - to the end of the book is due on Thursday, February 27th.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week of 2/18-2/22

For Saturday, February 22:
- Prepare notes for This Boy's Life discussion including thoughts about interview and the extended reading - to page 230
- Read rest of Act III, Scene 1 between Macbeth and the Murderers - what are a few reasons that Macbeth provides to these men to rationalize the murder that they discuss?

For Monday, February 24:
- Self-assessment of This Boy's Life, Discussion #2
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene ii and iii answer questions from handout on separate paper - in notebook is fine

For Tuesday, February 25: 
- Read to the end of This Boy's Life

For Saturday, February 22:
- Prepare notes for This Boy's Life discussion including thoughts about interview and the extended reading - to page 230
- Notes on Scene Summary handout for Macbeth Act III, Scene ii

For Monday, February 24:
-Self-assessement of participation in This Boy's Life, Discussion #2
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iii - answer questions (Scenes i and ii)  from handout on separate paper - in notebook is fine

For Tuesday, February 25: 
- Read to the end of This Boy's Life

For Friday, February 21:

-Bring ideas about Tobias Wolff interview to class for discussion
- bring computers to class
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iv until line 2 or so when it says Exit Ghost of Banquo

For Monday, February 24:
-Post-seminar writing assignment

For Wednesday, February 25:
Read to the end of This Boy's Life

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Upcoming Work

For Saturday, February 15:  

For Tuesday, February 18:
Prepare This Boy's Life Discussion questions for pp. 136-199, bring notes, questions and This Boy's Life book to class on Tuesday

For Thursday, February 20:
-Study for Vocab Quiz, List #10
- Notes on Scene Summary handout for Macbeth Act III, Scene i

For Saturday, February 22:

-Writing - Post-Seminar Writing due This Boy's Life discussion
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iv

For Saturday, February 15:  

For Tuesday, February 18:
Prepare This Boy's Life Discussion questions for pp. 136-199, bring notes, questions and This Boy's Life book to class on Tuesday

For Thursday, February 20:
-Study for Vocab Quiz, List #10
- Notes on Scene Summary handout for Macbeth Act III, Scene i

For Saturday, February 22:
-Writing - Post-Seminar Writing due This Boy's Life discussion
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iv

For Tuesday, February 18:
-Prepare This Boy's Life Discussion questions for pp. 136-199
- Read ahead to page 233 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, 2/20

For Wednesday, February 20:
-Bring notes, questions and This Boy's Life book to class for Discussion #2
- Notes on Scene Summary handout for Macbeth Act III, Scene i

For Friday, February 22:
-Writing - Post-Seminar Writing due This Boy's Life discussion
-Scene Summary Macbeth Act III, scene iv

Monday, February 10, 2014

For Week of Tuesday or Wednesday, February 11 and 12 and 19 and 20

For Tuesday, February 11:
Gather all review materials for Macbeth - Acts I and II Study Questions and Acts I and II Study Guides and Character Chart - begin to reread, review for test on Macbeth Acts I and II, which is on Thursday, 2/13 this week. We will review in class on Tuesday.

Continue reading in This Boy's Life - through page 199 is due on Thursday, 2/13. I will give you Discussion Questions to prepare on Thursday, and the discussion for this section of the book will be on Tuesday, 2/18.

For Thursday, February 13:
Study for test on Macbeth, Acts I and II, continue This Boy's Life reading (to p. 199 for Thursday, 2/13 and to 233 for Tuesday, 2/18)

For Saturday, February 15:  
No Class on Saturday, 2/15 this week.  Please work on preparing This Boy's Life Study Questions - notes for discussion on Tuesday, February 18th and marking text for quotations, research on any aspects of the book that interest you.

For Tuesday, February 18:
Finish to page 233, bring notes for This Boy's Life Discussion, Post-Seminar Writing

For Thursday, February 20:
Vocab Quiz for List #10 will be on Thursday, 2/20.

For Wednesday, February 11:
Gather all review materials for Macbeth - Acts I and II Study Questions and Acts I and II Study Guides and Character Chart - begin to reread, review for test on Macbeth Acts I and II, which is on Thursday, 2/13 this week. We will review in class on Tuesday.

Continue reading in This Boy's Life - through page 199 is due on Thursday, 2/13. I will give you Discussion Questions to prepare on Thursday, and the discussion for this section of the book will be on Tuesday, 2/18.

For Thursday, February 13:
Study for Vocab quiz, List #10, continue This Boy's Life reading (to p. 199 for Thursday, 2/13 and to 233 for Tuesday, 2/18)

For Friday, February 15:  
 Study for test on Macbeth, Acts I and II, Please work on preparing This Boy's Life Study Questions - notes for discussion on Tuesday, February 18th and marking text for quotations, research on any aspects of the book that interest you.

For Wednesday, February 18:
Finish to page 233, bring notes for This Boy's Life Discussion, Post-Seminar Writing

For Tuesday, February 11:
Gather all review materials for Macbeth - Acts I and II Study Questions and Acts I and II Study Guides and Character Chart - begin to reread, review for test on Macbeth Acts I and II, which is on Thursday, 2/13 this week. We will review in class on Tuesday.

Continue reading in This Boy's Life - through page 199 is due on Thursday, 2/13. I will give you Discussion Questions to prepare on Thursday, and the discussion for this section of the book will be on Tuesday, 2/18.

For Thursday, February 13:
Study for test on Macbeth, Acts I and II, continue This Boy's Life reading (to p. 199 for Thursday, 2/13 and to 233 for Tuesday, 2/18)

For Saturday, February 15:  
No Class on Saturday, 2/15 this week.  Please work on preparing This Boy's Life Study Questions - notes for discussion on Tuesday, February 18th and marking text for quotations, research on any aspects of the book that interest you.

For Tuesday, February 18:
Finish to page 233, bring notes for This Boy's Life Discussion, Post-Seminar Writing

For Thursday, February 20:
Vocab Quiz for List #10 will be on Thursday, 2/20.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

For Monday, February 10

***  For ALL - Review Act I questions and Study Guide and follow along with Act II questions as we prepare for our Act I/Act II Macbeth test next Thursday.  ***

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Keep reading through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
-Read Act II, Scene ii for Monday
- Read through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Fill in Character Committee chart (at least 4-5 examples) for your assigned character - from our Act I and Act II reading
- Read through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Coming up -

For Friday, February 8:
- Self -Evaluation (both sides) completed based on your participation in the discussion
- Vocabulary - read the 10 sentences and try to fit in the words that make the most sense
- Keep reading in This Boy's Life - through p. 199 due for Thursday, February 15th
-Read over Act I Study Guide for Macbeth and This Boy's Life Post -Seminar Writing to see if you have any questions - we will go over these on Saturday.
- Pick 3 quotes to write notes on in terms of their meaning and significance on Macbeth Act I study guide

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Keep reading through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

For Saturday, February 8:
- Self -Evaluation (both sides) completed based on your participation in the discussion
- Vocabulary - read the 10 sentences and try to fit in the words that make the most sense
- Keep reading in This Boy's Life - through p. 199 due for Thursday, February 15th
-Read over Act I Study Guide for Macbeth and This Boy's Life Post -Seminar Writing to see if you have any questions - we will go over these on Saturday.

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Read through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

For Saturday, February 8:
- Self -Evaluation (both sides) completed based on your participation in the discussion
- Vocabulary - read the 10 sentences and try to fit in the words that make the most sense
- Keep reading in This Boy's Life - through p. 199 due for Thursday, February 15th
-Read over Act I Study Guide for Macbeth and This Boy's Life Post -Seminar Writing to see if you have any questions - we will go over these on Saturday.
- Find 3 quotes to write notes on in terms of their meaning and significance on Macbeth Act I study guide

For Monday, February 10:
- Post- Seminar Writing due - typed, final copy -- attached to this should be any notes that you had for the seminar
- Read through p. 199 in This Boy's Life for Thursday, February 13th

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

For Thursday, February 6

Prepare notes in response to This Boy's Life discussion questions. Make sure you have fully considered thoughts or questions that you have about the reading. Bring your books, the questions, and your notes on the questions to class on Thursday to participate in the discussion. Make sure that you have quotations gathered (marked in the book or by page number in your notes) to support the points that you have to make in discussion.

GREEN:  Please bring Macbeth books, too!

Next week's reading for This Boy's LifeFor Thursday, February 13 (ALL):  Read through page 199.  You will get discussion questions for this reading on Saturday, February 8.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

For Tuesday and Wednesday, February 4 and 5

GREEN:  Read in Macbeth the rest of Act I, scene 5 - pay particular attention to Lady Macbeth's lines and what she is saying, continue reading and making notes for the This Boy's Life discussion, which will take place on Thursday (BRING THIS BOY"S LIFE BOOK AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON WEDNESDAY)

RED:  Work on This Boy's Life reading due on Thursday (to page 136) and begin making notes on discussion questions (BRING THIS BOY"S LIFE BOOK AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON TUESDAY)

BLUE:  Read in Macbeth the rest of Act I, scene 5 - pay particular attention to Lady Macbeth's lines and what she is saying, continue reading and making notes for the This Boy's Life discussion, which will take place on Thursday (BRING THIS BOY"S LIFE BOOK AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS TO CLASS ON TUESDAY)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

For Monday, February 3 -

GREEN:  Look over Macbeth Act I, Scenes i-iii Study Questions, Read ahead in This Boy's Life (finish to p. 136 for Thursday)

RED: Finish reading Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3, Look over Macbeth Act I, Scenes i-iii Study Questions, Read ahead in This Boy's Life (finish to p. 136 for Thursday)

BLUE:  Finish reading Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3, Look over Macbeth Act I, Scenes i-iii Study Questions, Read ahead in This Boy's Life (finish to p. 136 for Thursday)