Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Upcoming Work

For Monday, November 18:

1.  Read four Elizabeth Bishop poems in Seagull Reader: Poetry.  Jot notes in the margins about your observations of each poem.

2.  Pick one to explore and write about in your journal – take your journal before you leave.

3.  Attempt to write a poem that imitates one of the poems that you read by Billy Collins – “On Turning Ten”, “Sonnet”, “Picnic, Lightning” or “Introduction to Poetry”

For Thursday, November 14:
Bring Poetry Anthology
Gather 5-7 passages to support your journal writing on short story topic
Write introductory paragraph for paper on short story topic

For Saturday. November 15:

-Find errors in RO, CS, CF - square and circle editing handout
- Vocab Quiz - List #6
-Read Billy Collins'poems - pp. 74-77:  "Introduction to Poetry", "Picnic. Lightning", "On Turning Ten" and "Sonnet"

For Monday, November 18:

1.  Read four Elizabeth Bishop poems in Seagull Reader: Poetry.  Jot notes in the margins about your observations of each poem.
2.  Review the RO, CS, CF - square and circle handout to correct any of the sentences that we did not go over in class.
3.  Bring laptop to class and be ready to work on your short story analysis essay - you will have 1/2 class on Monday and Tuesday to write, revise, conference, etc.  Final paper is due on Friday, November 22 sometime during the day. 

For Saturday, November 16:
-Find errors in RO, CS, CF - square and circle editing handout
- Vocab Quiz - List #6
-Read Billy Collins'poems - pp. 74-77:  "Introduction to Poetry", "Picnic. Lightning", "On Turning Ten" and "Sonnet"

For Monday, November 18:
1.  Read four Elizabeth Bishop poems in Seagull Reader: Poetry.  Jot notes in the margins about your observations of each poem.
2.  Review the RO, CS, CF - square and circle handout to correct any of the sentences that we did not go over in class.
3.  Bring laptop to class and be ready to work on your short story analysis essay - you will have 1/2 class on Monday and double on Tuesday to write, revise, conference, etc.  Final paper is due on Friday, November 22 sometime during the day. 

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