Friday, November 1, 2013

Upcoming Work

For Saturday, November 2:
- Revise short story for criteria checklist and revisions based on comments

For Saturday, November 9:
- Write sentences for 10 of your vocabulary words
- Fill out your chart with four aspects of comparison regarding the 5 short stories

For Saturday, November 2:
- Study for Vocabulary Quiz
- Revise short story

For Saturday, November 9:
-See email - vocabulary homework and writing in journal about some aspect of one of the short stories that we have read in this group

For Monday, November 4:
- Read "Hills Like White Elephants" p. 203 in The Seagull Reader - look for examples of the characters' identities and how they identified themselves in your reading  
- Revise short story for RO, CS, and two types of CF Rules - bring in examples from your work where you find these types of errors

For Friday, November 4:
- Vocab sentences for 10 of your new words - List #6

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