Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Short Story Analysis Paper Requirements

Kristin Moody
November 23, 2013
Short Story Analysis Essay

 (may be 14 font but no larger, may be italicized but plain is fine, be creative in relating to your main points)

  • 1.5-2 spacing, Title in center (related to thesis – can be italicized or plain text), short story title in quotation marks, citations parenthetical “------------------------------“ (19). – punctuation after parentheses

  • Proofread for RO, CS, CF – square and circle errors

  • Utilize solid range of vocabulary, range of sentence lengths, varied sentence beginnings

INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph): tell the reader what your paper is about Not necessarily in this order, you need to include the following:
           a way to draw the reader in   the author      title (quotation marks)           general statement about the literary work (sometimes)        necessary background information about the story (very little)            thesis statement (your opinion, main idea or focus) - this may be controversial -
should be fairly broad - has a point to prove

MAIN BODY (approx. three paragraphs): these paragraphs should answer the question, "why?". Not necessarily in this order, you need to include the following:
           specific examples to prove your point          quotations - passages - descriptions - comparisons explanation of the significance of your examples in terms of your thesis statement
( in other words, analyze your examples. How do they fit in with your main
point?)           explanation of how your analysis relates to your thesis statement.

CONCLUSION (1 paragraph): Tell the reader what you told him/her and leave him/her with something to think about. Not necessarily in this order, you need to include the following:
           your thesis, restated to emphasize that you have proven your point          a summary of your main points        a way to leave the reader thinking about the marvelous ideas in your essay.

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