Monday, April 28, 2014

Week of April 28-May 3

For Tuesday, April 29:
-Hand in final copy of Friendship Essay attached to front of rough draft copy
- Read Letter #2 from John Steinbeck to Thom
In your journal, write a solid paragraph about what Steinbeck is trying to say in the letter and at least 2-3 points that you either agree or disagree with

For Thursday, May 1:
- Finish Language Pretest and practice quiz on Affect/Effect
-Read 3rd Steinbeck letter to Alicia, make notes in the margins of the letter about Steinbeck's perspective and reflections on the topic and the relationship between he and the recipient of the letter

For Monday, May 5:  
-Practice quiz on Who/Whom
-Quiz on Steinbeck's Life and Writings - Chapter 5, The Grapes of Wrath, Nobel Acceptance Speech in 1962, Video on Steinbeck's life, Letters from Steinbeck.  Look at review sheet for Quiz, prepare 4 of 10 quotations by analyzing the quotation and how each of your four selected quotes connects to 2 of Steinbeck's writings and/or life experiences.
Bring The Color Purple

For Tuesday, May 6:
Bring The Color Purple
Determine which prize you would elect for yourself and bring in a print out of background information on that prize for today's class

For Thursday, May 8:  
Study for Language Test
Field Trip to Peabody Essex

For Saturday, May 10:  
Test of Language Skills - review previous 2 tests and practice quizzes on language study
Bring The Color Purple

For Monday, May 12:  
Draft of Acceptance Speech due
Bring The Color Purple

For Tuesday, April 29:
- Read Letter #2 from John Steinbeck to Thom
In your journal, write a solid paragraph about what Steinbeck is trying to say in the letter and at least 2-3 points that you either agree or disagree with

For Thursday, May 1:
- Finish Language Pretest and practice quiz on Affect/Effect
-Read 3rd Steinbeck letter to Alicia, make notes in the margins of the letter about Steinbeck's perspective and reflections on the topic and the relationship between he and the recipient of the letter

For Monday, May 5:  
-Practice quiz on Who/Whom
-Quiz on Steinbeck's Life and Writings - Chapter 5, The Grapes of Wrath, Nobel Acceptance Speech in 1962, Video on Steinbeck's life, Letters from Steinbeck.  Look at review sheet for Quiz, prepare 4 of 10 quotations by analyzing the quotation and how each of your four selected quotes connects to 2 of Steinbeck's writings and/or life experiences.
Bring The Color Purple

For Tuesday, May 6:
Bring The Color Purple
Determine which prize you would elect for yourself and bring in a print out of background information on that prize for today's class

For Thursday, May 8:  
Study for Language Test
Field Trip to Peabody Essex

For Saturday, May 10:  
Test of Language Skills - review previous 2 tests and practice quizzes on language study
Bring The Color Purple

For Monday, May 12:  
Draft of Acceptance Speech due
Bring The Color Purple

For Thursday, April 30:
-Hand in final copy of Friendship Essay attached to front of rough draft copy
- Read Letter #2 from John Steinbeck to Thom
In your journal, write a solid paragraph about what Steinbeck is trying to say in the letter and at least 2-3 points that you either agree or disagree with

For Friday, May 1:
-Affect/effect quiz
- Read Letter 3 and make notes on Steinbeck's observations of the war

For Monday, May 1:  
Bring The Color Purple, read pages 1-18
-Quiz on Steinbeck's Life and Writings - Chapter 5, The Grapes of Wrath, Nobel Acceptance Speech in 1962, Video on Steinbeck's life, Letters from Steinbeck.  Look at review sheet for Quiz, prepare 4 of 10 quotations by analyzing the quotation and how each of your four selected quotes connects to 2 of Steinbeck's writings and/or life experiences.

For Wednesday, May 2:

For Friday, May 2:

Saturday, April 19, 2014

For April 22-26

For Thursday, April 24:
1.  Print and bring to class a complete rough draft of your Friendship essay
2.  Read excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath - pay attention to patterns in Steinbeck's style as related to our previous notes/discussion, also look for representation of power/class.  Read closely to discuss the monster metaphor that Steinbeck uses.  

For Friday, April 25:  
-Read Steinbeck's Nobel Acceptance speech
- Questions 1-15 on Language Pretest

For Tuesday, April 22:  
Print and bring to class a complete rough draft of your Friendship essay

For Wednesday, April 23:
Read excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath - pay attention to patterns in Steinbeck's style as related to our previous notes/discussion, also look for representation of power/class.  Read closely to discuss the monster metaphor that Steinbeck uses

For Thursday, April 24:  
-Read Steinbeck's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
-Complete questions 1-15 on Language Pretest

For Monday, April 28:
- Final draft to be printed before class of Landscape of a Friendship essay - please attach final draft to front of rough draft
- Complete questions 16-30 on Language pretest

For Tuesday, April 22:  
Print and bring to class a complete rough draft of your Friendship essay

For Wednesday, April 23:
Read excerpt from The Grapes of Wrath - pay attention to patterns in Steinbeck's style as related to our previous notes/discussion, also look for representation of power/class.  Read closely to discuss the monster metaphor that Steinbeck uses

For Thursday, April 24:  
-Read Steinbeck's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
-Complete questions 1-15 on Language Pretest

For Monday, April 28:
- Final draft to be printed before class of Landscape of a Friendship essay - please attach final draft to front of rough draft
- Complete questions 16-30 on Language pretest

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Landscape of a Friendship

Landscape of a Friendship

Paragraph 1 – Description/overview of the friendship
-       two characters
-       point of meeting to development of relationship
-       describe without saying what the lack of balance is in the friendship

Paragraph 2 – One quality that makes the friendship work

Paragraph 3 –  Another quality that makes the friendship work

Paragraph 4 - How the friendship might be viewed as “unbalanced” from the outside

Paragraph 5 - What the friendship means to you – inner struggles, benefits, challenges, growth that you have experienced from the friendship

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week of April 14-19

For Monday, April 14: 
 1.) Type up descriptive paragraph with the following criteria. Print a copy to hand in for final draft on Monday

The paragraph should have:
-at least ten sentences
- a sentence that begins While
- a sentence that contains a correctly used semi-colon
- precise, descriptive language that clearly portrays the landscape involved in the scene
- Use of at least three senses in description
- Show do not tell
2.) Quiz on OMAM up through Chapter 4 on Monday - review notes on Steinbeck's style, Chapter Reading Questions, and reading

For Wednesday, April 16 - 
1.) Bring computer for writing, revising essay on friendship
2.) Finish reading of OMAM - Chapters 5 and 6

For Monday, April 14:  
1.) Type up descriptive paragraph with the following criteria. Print a copy to hand in for final draft on Monday

The paragraph should have:
-at least ten sentences
- a sentence that begins While
- a sentence that contains an example of parallel structure - repetition of three prepositional phrases, three infinitive phrases, or three adverbs
- precise, descriptive language that clearly portrays the landscape involved in the scene
- At least three senses employed in showing description, not telling

2.) Quiz on OMAM up through Chapter 4 on Monday - review notes on Steinbeck's style, Chapter Reading Questions, and reading

For Tuesday, April 15:  
1.) Complete questions 31-45 on Language Pretest
2.) Bring computer to class with introductory paragraph on friendship 

For Thursday, April 17:  
1.) Finish reading of OMAM - Chapters 5 and 6
2.) Bring computer to class to work on essay writing - friendship

For Monday, April 14:  
1.) Type up descriptive paragraph with the following criteria. Print a copy to hand in for final draft on Monday

The paragraph should have:
-at least ten sentences
- a sentence that begins While
- a sentence that contains an example of parallel structure - repetition of three prepositional phrases, three infinitive phrases, or three adverbs 
- precise, descriptive language that clearly portrays the landscape involved in the scene
- At least three senses employed in showing description, not telling

2.) Quiz on OMAM up through Chapter 4 on Monday - review notes on Steinbeck's style, Chapter Reading Questions, and reading

For Tuesday, April 15:  
1.) Complete questions 31-45 on Language Pretest
2.) Bring computer to class with introductory paragraph on friendship 

For Thursday, April 17:  
1.) Finish reading of OMAM - Chapters 5 and 6
2.) Bring computer to class to work on essay writing - friendship

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welcome Back! April 1-5

For Monday, April 7:  Write two more paragraphs of your essay  - each should focus on an aspect or quality of the friendship that made or makes it work.

For Wednesday, April 9:  Write paragraphs four and five of your essay - preliminary research on your assigned topic 

For Thursday, April 10:

For Monday, April 7:  Write the opening paragraphs of your essay  - an overview of a friendship that involves an imbalance of some sort (age, ability, vulnerability, difference, circumstance, etc), make sure that you have read through Chapter 2 in OMAM and completed the Reading Questions

For Tuesday, April 8:

For Thursday, April 10:

For Monday, April 7:   Write the opening paragraphs of your essay  - an overview of a friendship that involves an imbalance of some sort (age, ability, vulnerability, difference, circumstance, etc), make sure that you have read through Chapter 2 in OMAM and completed the Reading Questions

For Monday, April 7:

For Tuesday, April 8:

For Thursday, April 10: