Thursday, January 30, 2014

Assignments for January 31-February 1

For Friday, January 31:

GREEN:  Finish Macbeth Act I, Scene 3,  Read ahead in This Boy's Life (pp. 34-136 due on Thursday, February 6)

For Saturday, February 1:

RED:  Read ahead in This Boy's Life (pp. 34-136 due on Thursday, February 6)

BLUE:  Read Act I, Scene 1 of Macbeth - jot some notes about how this scene is similar to/different from the scenes viewed in class, Read ahead in This Boy's Life (pp. 34-136 due on Thursday, February 6)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reading Schedule for This Boy's Life

Reading Schedule - This Boy's Life

For Thursday, January 30 (BLUE and RED) and Friday, January 31 (GREEN):  Read pp. 1-33
For Thursday, February 6 (ALL):  Read through page 136
For Thursday, February 13 (ALL):  Read through page 199
For Tuesday, February 18 (RED and BLUE) and Wednesday, February 19 (GREEN):  Read through page 233
For Friday, February 21 (GREEN) and Saturday, February 22 (BLUE and RED):  Read to END of Book

Assignment for January 30, 2014

**** PLEASE GET YOUR BOOKS - you need both Macbeth and This Boy's Life *******


- Read pp. 1-33 in This Boy's Life for Thursday
- Write a paragraph with three good reasons to support or disagree with one of the statements in the epigraph (see below):

1.  The first duty in life is to assume a pose. What the second is, no one has yet discovered." - Oscar Wilde 


2. "He who fears corruption fears life." - Saul Alinsky


- Read pp. 1-33 in This Boy's Life for Thursday
- Write a paragraph with three good reasons to support or disagree with one of the statements in the epigraph (see below):

1.  The first duty in life is to assume a pose. What the second is, no one has yet discovered." - Oscar Wilde 


2. "He who fears corruption fears life." - Saul Alinsky

GREEN (for Friday):
- Read pp. 1-33 in This Boy's Life for Thursday
- Write a paragraph with three good reasons to support or disagree with one of the statements in the epigraph (see below):

1.  The first duty in life is to assume a pose. What the second is, no one has yet discovered." - Oscar Wilde 


2. "He who fears corruption fears life." - Saul Alinsky