Wednesday, December 18, 2013

For December 19

Final Poetry Project -

to be handed in:
3 Paragraphs
(any drafts)
Prints of sources
5 Poems Printed
Works Cited

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Homework for December 16

Continue work on your poetry project.

For Monday, you should have

  • Collected all of your resources:  5 poems printed out, 4 resources printed to be included when handing in your final project

  • Done the reading of the biographical sources that pertain to what you are most interested in about your subject.

A draft of at least the first paragraph, which contains a thesis about some area of your poet's life, background, or experiences that impacted his/her work.

See the post below for the focus of the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs for this final project.  Feel free to work on these as well.

For the final project -- to be handed in:

- Final draft and rough drafts of 3 paragraph examination of your poet
- Print outs of 4 resources, copies
- 5 poems printed out or copied by your poet
- Works Cited page of at least 4 sources (one book, one electronic journal, two other sources )

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Poetry Project -

Poetry Research Project

1.     Gather Sources –
            Minimum sources – 4
            One electronic source, one book, two other sources (could be internet, could be another Gale article, etc.)

2.     Gather poems – 5 in total by your author, which should be printed out and included with the final paper that you hand in

3.     Notice patterns – in what you read and what you learn about your own poet

Writing About Your Poet –

Three paragraphs -

First – thesis paragraph about how your poet was impacted by his/her life, experiences, time in which he/she was living

Second  - Explain some of the major life events that led to your thesis and how he/she was impacted by the areas specified in your thesis - may be related to how, where, when he/she lived, life experiences, political ideas, etc.

Third – Take two of the poems by your author and explain how your thesis is evident within the language, tone, meaning, etc. of each poem. Also, utilize and demonstrate your knowledge of our studied poetry terms to explain each poem.  Poem’s titles are in quotation marks. 

Work on sentence structure and language used in your paragraphs!

To be handed in December 19, 2013 –

Three paragraphs – final writing plus any drafts, printed copies of 5 poems by your author, Bibliography page (with at least 4 sources that you have used to research) – use easy bib or Noodle bib to create

We will work in class on these Saturday, 12/14 and  Tuesday, 12/17

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Homework - Week of December 9-14

For Thursday - Select a poet to study, let Mrs. Moody know you choice in class on Thursday.  Start to gather some resources on biographical information as well as 5 poems written by this author.  Consult the websites in the post below for some credible internet resources.

Poetry Websites